Bolognese Alla Natalia

So here we are, three weeks of the school holidays down. The first week, I really enjoyed. The second week, Mr Busy was off, so that was great too. This week has been a little harder. The whining, the ‘why-ing’, the bickering, the potty training and to top it all, PMT. Today has been the worst, I have had no patience for anything today. And I feel awful.
The potty training – well, two poos on the floor and one in the bath is enough to tip anybody over the edge, surely? One of the poos was on that sodding seagrass carpet, you know the one you can’t clean properly? Yup. Whoever invented that wants shooting.

The whining and the why’s – ‘It’s hard’ I said to my Mum as we drove up to Fountain’s Abbey, ‘I don’t want to suppress them. I don’t want them to stop questioning things, it’s a great thing to question things. But… do they have to question everything?!’
‘I know what you mean’ Mum says, ‘I think sometimes they’re just saying “Why” because they know it pushes your buttons’.


The PMT – well if you’re a woman, you know. To be honest, if you’re a man in a relationship, you probably know too, you poor soul.

Here is why I feel awful;
1) After baking banana muffins and Captain Fantastic eating one, he turns to me and says ‘You make the best banana muffins in the world Mummy’. Heart melts.
2) Half way through eating tea, Captain Fantastic gets off his chair, walks over to me and throws his arms around my neck. ‘What was that for?’ I ask. He shrugs and says ‘Because you make me meatballs Mummy’. I want to cry.
3) I track my husband on ‘Find my iPhone’ to see when he’s coming home. I see he’s stopped at M&S. Bloody hell, he’ll be doing something really nice so I can’t take my PMT out on him. Ten minutes later, he strolls through the door with a bunch of flowers. Bastard. How dare he be so lovely.
Whilst cooking dinner, I pick an argument with him until he cracks and argues back. I then sit and cry.
‘What’s the matter?’ he says.
‘You’re just so lovely. Sob sob. But I can’t stand the sight of you and the kids today. Sob sob Ha ha. I love you all so much but you’re just so irritating today. Sob sob. You’re so lovely to me but the sight of you just makes me snarl. Ha ha ha ha’ and with that, I dissolve into laughter, the tension of the day melting away.

I feel like the worst wife and mother but tomorrow will be better. We all have off days, and for that, there is gin and spaghetti bolognese.